
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Mon 16
Tue 17
Wed 18

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: COURSE OPEN. Play commencing from the 10th hole. Course open on 18 Holes. Please repair pitchmarks, replace divots and rake bunkers.

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

Hole 16

357 Yards, Par 4, S.I 8
337 Yards, Par 4, S.I 8
325 Yards, Par 4, S.I 8
313 Yards, Par 4, S.I 2

Pro Tip

The last 3 holes present a good chance to close out a good score but all have their dangers. The 16th is dog leg right to left par 4, where the fairway slopes from left to right, leading your ball towards the new bunker and trees. An accurate tee shot leaves a routine approach but a tricky green to read then awaits you.

The 16th Hole is proudly sponsored by:

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