
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Wed 4
Thu 5
Fri 6

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: COURSE OPEN. Course open on 18 holes . Buggy users to remain on paths where possible . Mats to be used on all closely mown areas .

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

Ingestre Opens

2024 Opens are now open for entry

We are delighted to have 11 of our brand new/redisigned holes in play along with our brand new practice putting green!

Our ambition is to have all 18 new holes in play by May 2024!

Ladies 9-Hole Spring Open - Thursday 18th April - Results

Seniors Men's Open Am Am - Thursday 9th May - Results

Mixed Open - Monday 27th May - Results

Seniors Mixed Open - Thursday 6th June - Results

Ladies Am Am Open - Thursday 18th July - Results

Junior Open - Tuesday 30th July

Men's Open - Saturday 3rd August - Results

Seniors Men's Open - Thursday 8th August - Results

August Mixed Open - Monday 26th August - Results

Ladies Halloween Howler - Thursday 31st October

Click here to enter

Contact: Sarah

01889 272840 -

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