
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: COURSE OPEN on 9 Winter greens. Buggy users to play holes 10-18 only. Fairway mats to be used on all closely mown areas.

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

New Lady Members

If you are looking to get into golf, we have the perfect pathway. Taking you from introductory taster session to ‘Beginner Membership, with all the friendly guidance you could ask for. For more information, visit our ‘ Get into Golf’ page.

We have a new member mentor scheme so that all new members are made to feel welcome and find ladies to play with that match them well.

We have a very active ladies section, however, this does not mean that we are a faceless large section but does mean we usually have something that suits everyone.

We have our own new member pack to make sure new members have as much useful information as possible.

Every Wednesday morning and Sunday afternoons we have competitions or games where any lady is welcome.

Come and improve your game and make some new friends.

Comments from new members

“It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to come along on a Wednesday morning and when I did I wished I had done it months earlier. I was greeted by Sue who organises Wednesdays. She introduced me to who I was playing with and explained the format for the morning. I had a good game and I joined my fellow players afterwards for a drink and snack in the clubhouse. It was on a Sunday I won my first prize …. I haven’t looked back since”

SP New Member

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