
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: Course Open. Course open on 18 winter greens. Mats must be used in closely mown areas. Buggies must use paths, holes 10-18 only.

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

Local Rules


This concise version of the local rules gives the options for the most frequent situations. It is provided
as an aide memoire to help with speed of play. Players should be familiar with the full local rules on
notice boards in the clubhouse and the R&A Rules of Golf.

1. OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)

i. Beyond any fence, or line of white stakes defining the boundary of the course.
ii. On or over Ingestre Park Road.
Options – Stroke and Distance relief under penalty of one shot; play the original ball or another ball
from where the previous stroke was made.

2. PENALTY AREAS (Rule 17)

i. All Penalty areas are Red as indicated by red posts.
Ii. These are defined where the ground falls away nearest to the penalty area and or the course-
side edge where the ground has been left uncut surrounding the penalty area.
Iii. Where red lines are used, they define the margin.
Iv. Bridges crossing the penalty areas are deemed to be inside the penalty area.
The penalty area behind the 14th green and to the right of the 15th hole defined only on one side
extends to infinity.
Options – 1) Play the ball as it lies, or
2) Under penalty of one stroke:
1. Stroke and Distance Relief; play the original ball or another ball from where the
previous stroke was made, or
2. Back-on-the-Line Relief; drop the original ball or another ball outside the penalty area
no nearer the hole, keeping the estimated point where the original ball last crossed
the edge of the penalty area between the hole and the spot where the ball is dropped,
3. Lateral Relief; drop the original ball or another ball no nearer the hole and within two
club lengths of the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the
red penalty area, or
4. If a player’s ball is in the penalty area on the 8th hole, the player has these 3 relief
options, each for one penalty stroke. As an extra option, the player may drop the
original ball or another ball in the dropping zone.


i Immovable Obstructions (free relief under Rule 16.1).
ii. Ground Under Repair.
a. Any area encircled by white posts and/or a painted white line.
b. French Drains (Stone-filled drainage ditches or channels).
iii. Aeration holes and slits.
Model Local Rule E-4 is in operation.
iv. Cracks in the Ground.
Model F-8 is in operation. In areas cut to fairway length or less, cracks are treated as
NB. Interference does not exist if the aeration hole or crack only interferes with the player's stance or
area of intended swing or, on the putting green, on the player's line of play
Options – 1) Play the ball as it lies, or
2) Take nearest point of complete free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball
within one club length no nearer the hole.


Model Local Rule F-5.1 is in operation. In addition to the types of interference described in Rule
16.1a, when a ball lies in the general area, interference also exists if the obstruction is on the
player’s line of play and is within two club-lengths of the putting green and is within two club-lengths
of the ball.
Options – 1) Play the ball as it lies, or
2) Take nearest point of complete free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball
within one club length no nearer the hole. There is no relief under this Local Rule if the
player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.


i. The ditch running across the 10th and 17th fairways is a temporary No Play Zone only if defined
by green stakes with blue tops.
Options – As long as it is known or virtually certain that the ball has come to rest in the NPZ, the
player does not have to find his/her golf ball, Free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1f.
The original ball or another ball must be dropped in the nearest dropping zone defined by
one club-length from the black and white posts.
ii. Protection of Young Trees.
Young trees are located in areas identified by green posts with blue tops placed in the centre of
the relevant area.
If a player thinks their ball has come to rest in a No Play Zone, they should take a provisional
ball (and declare it as such) before looking for the original ball. This is to avoid slowing down
the pace of play by having to then take stroke and distance relief if the ball cannot be found.
The trees themselves are the No Play Zones. They are identified by wrapping, stakes or
otherwise protected.
Options – 1) If the ball cannot be found, take Stroke and Distance relief under penalty of one shot, or
2) If the ball is found, and the NPZ does not interfere with the player’s stance or intended
swing, play the ball as it lies, or
3) If the ball is found, and the NPZ interferes with the player’s stance or intended swing,
relief must be taken under Rule 16.1f. Take nearest point of complete free relief by
dropping the original ball or another ball within one club length no nearer the hole. Further
free relief may be taken from interference by subsequent NPZs.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.