
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: COURSE OPEN on 9 Winter greens. Buggy users to play holes 10-18 only. Fairway mats to be used on all closely mown areas.

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

Seniors Mixed Open

Thursday 6th June 2024, Yellow & Red Tees, Ingestre Park Golf Club

(85% handicap allowance)

View Statistics for this Competition

TeamNett Results
1stDavid Marsden (8) & Sharon Byrne (35) 44
2ndIan Beeson (10) & Patricia Beeson (24) 41
3rdJennie Flower (14) & Mike Flower (15) 40
4thDavid Mason (13) & Joy Mason (24) 38
5thMichael McDonagh (10) & Lindsey McDonagh (21) 37
6thDesley Smith (12) & Mick Langslow (17) 37
7thMo Winfer (28) & Roger Winfer (14) 37
8thMaria Carter (31) & J Wakeman (7) 37
9thJennifer Rattlidge (15) & John Rattlidge (6) 37
10thPaul Sheffield (12) & Gill Chilton (12) 36
11thFrank Graham (12) & Michelle Graham (14) 36
12thStephen Bourne (3) & Karen Mellor (15) 36
13thKeith Haywood (13) & Maxine Haywood (18) 34
14thCharlie Knight (8) & Tracey Knight (26) 33
15thIan Price (3) & Susan Price (22) 33
16thLinda Deeley (22) & Michael Deeley (12) 32
17thE E Wedderburn (4) & Joanne Wedderburn (36) 32
18thLinda Burrows (18) & John Burrows (12) 32
19thSteve Hodgett (14) & Karen Neal (28) 32
20thAndrew Butler (11) & Jane BUTLER (30) 32
21stGlenn Hutton (19) & Rosalie Hutton (30) 31
22ndMike Brown (24) & Di Muir (31) 29
23rdPauline Denn (28) & Peter Denn (12) 28
24thIain Dawson (10) & Joanne Dawson (22) 28
25thSusan Bentley (16) & Bob Rowley (23) 25
26thMichael J K Sanders (20) & Diane E Sanders (26) DQ
27thHelen Challinor (22) & Neil Challinor (14) DQ

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